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เป็นอุทยานแห่งชาติแห่งแรกของประเทศไทย มีเนื้อที่ 1,353,471.53 ไร่ อาณาเขตรอบคลุม 11 อำเภอ

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โดยนักท่องเที่ยวจะต้องเสียค่าธรรมเนียมผ่านเข้าอุทยาน ฯ ดังนี้ 

- นักท่องเที่ยวชาวไทย ผู้ใหญ่ 40 บาท / คน เด็ก 20 บาท / คน 
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หากนำพาหนะเข้าอุทยาน ฯ เก็บค่าธรรมเนียมตามประเภทพาหนะ ดังนี้ 

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• รถบรรทุก 4 ตัน 6 ล้อ 300 บาท / คัน 

                                      Khao Yai National Park


The national park, which covers an area of 2,168 square kilometers in the Phanom Dong Rak mountain range, stretches over 4 provinces including NakhonRatchasima, NakhonNayok, Saraburi, and PrachinBuri. KhaoYai became Thailands first national park on 18th September 1962 and is also originally recognized as the National Park Heritage of Asian Group Countries.

The park is comprised of mixed forests and rainforests with some wide plains and grasslands interspersed with verdant forests. There are many valuable plants, including commercial plants, scented plants and herbs. In addition,

there are several mountains with peaks ranging from 800 to 3,000 meters above sea level making KhaoYai a cool climate area, even in summer.

Most popular time to visit KhaoYai is during the cool season or from October to February. In the rainy season, the area is refreshingly green with overflowing waterfalls, sending echoes all around.

Popular activities in the park include butterfly and bird watching, animal watching and trekking. The Park has numerous butterflies and birds as surveys indicate that over 293 species of birds use KhaoYai as a feeding ground while KhaoYai is the habitat of over 200 species. In addition, the park is home to an abundance of wildlife. The most

frequently spotted animal is the deer that grazes on grass plains and sometimes come to be fed around the park office. Other animals spotted include elephants, sun bears, wild boars, monkeys, tigers, gaurs, and mountain goats. To facilitate

animal watching the park built 2 wildlife watchtowers at Mo Singto and Nong Phak Chi. Visitors are allowed up there between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. In addition, those who want to go on a night safari by car must contact the park office before 6 p.m. Moreover, KhaoYai has over 20 trekking trails for visitors to choose from, each different in natural beauty and distance. While some trails like the Kong Kaeo trail and the Kilometer 33 trail (Thanarat Road-Nong Phak Chi) take 1- 2 hours to complete, other trails like the Nang Rong-KhaoYai trail, Samo Pun trail or KhoYo 4 Unit-Wang Heo waterfall trail require overnight stays. Information and guides can be obtained from the tourist service centre.

แก้ไขล่าสุด ใน วันศุกร์ที่ 03 ตุลาคม 2014 เวลา 20:07 น.



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